How do we prepare drawings for design patent application in Japan?

In some countries, it is enough to prepare only one or two drawings for filing a design patent application.

That’s why I sometimes receive a request for filing a new design patent application in Japan from my foreign client with only one or two drawings to show a design.

However, it’s not sufficient in most cases in Japan.

In principle, it is required to file a set of orthographic drawings which include the followings:

  1. Front view
  2. Rear view
  3. Left-side view
  4. Right-side view
  5. Top-view
  6. Bottom-view

Furthermore, all of the drawings must be shown by the same scale.

In the light of the above, you should make the above six drawings at least before filing a design patent application in Japan if you are interested in obtaining a design patent there as well as in your country.



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