Conditions to enjoy benefit of exception to lack of novelty in Japan for a design application

In the previous post, you said that you will explain the conditions to enjoy benefit of exception to lack of novelty in Japan for a design application, right?
I know that the conditions for exception to lack of novelty depend on a country. So, it is very important for us to learn the conditions required in the country where we will file a design application in advance.
That’s right.
What conditions are required in Japan?
At first, we can claim exception to lack of novelty in the following cases.

  1. The case that the application date is within 6 months from the date of lack of novelty, and the lack of novelty was caused against will of “the person having the right to obtain a design registration”
  2. The case that the application date is within 6 months from the date of lack of novelty, and the lack of novelty was caused by an act of “the person having the right to obtain a design registration”

In almost cases, the condition we can make use of is No. 2.

Wait, wait.
What do you mean by “the person having the right to obtain a design registration”?

“The right to obtain a design registration” belongs to a designer of the design for filing in the first place.
And, the right can be assigned to others.
A person/corporation other than the designer to be an Applicant must get “the right to obtain a design registration” from the desginer.

Therefore, “the person having the right to obtain a design registration” is usually a designer of the design for filing or an Applcant.

I see.

As to the condition No.2, is “an act of the person having the right to obtain a design registration” limited to publishing, an announcement in a particular exhibition or somthing like that?

No limited.
Every act of the person having the right to obtain a design registration is OK.
Of course, you need to verify that the condition is satisfied by filing a certificate of exception to lack of novelty.
I know.
You explained the prescribed term to submit the certificate to the JPO in the previous post.

But, I don’t know how to make the certificate…

No problem.
I will explain in the next.


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